The Sword in the Stone gets a wide release

Disney has two long traditions; producing wonderful animated films and not paying those films proper respect. Many of Disney’s films from before the 1980 have had spotty DVD releases with various unannounced edits and in odd aspect ratios. The debates on the proper aspect ratio of their films between 1950 and 1980 have raged among fans for years. But a new DVD release is showing some care to young King Arthur with the release of The Sword in the Stone: 45th Anniversary Special Edition.

The new DVD will arrive in anamorphic widrescreen at 1.66:1 – the first widescreen release of the film in any format. The disc will however only contain a remixed Dolby Digital 5.1 track along with several new supplements including The Sword in the Stone Scrapbook, the featurette Music Magic: The Sherman Brothers, two animated shorts and an interactive game.

The DVD will arrive June 17th and carry a $29.99 suggested retail price. No Blu-ray has been announced.

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