High Def Trek goes Standard
The recent upgrading of Star Trek to high definition has been getting some attention, especially since Paramount has discontinued HD-DVD support. Well word has arrived that the second season of Star Trek will arrive in August, on DVD only. In other words, the film was mastered in high def for a standard def release.
What purpose does the set serve? Well, it does contain the newly created effects, (although the original versions are not included). New supplements and more Billy Blackburn footage will likely be included, and although standard def, the masters generally look cleaner than the existing DVD releases (which, make no mistake, still look quite good).
But no Blu-ray version of this set or the first season have been announced or even hinted at. As of yet, Paramount has not announced any Blu-ray titles since dropping the HD-DVD format.
On August 5th, the set arrives.
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