Without A Paddle
Paramount Home Entertainment has added some hidden materials on their release of the comedy “Without A Paddle” for you to discover. Here’s how.
From, the DVD’s Main Menu go to the “Special Features” section and there highligh the menu entry for the “Theatrical Trailer.” Now press the “Right” arrow key on your remote control and a set of boat paddles will appear. Press the “Enter” key and you will get to se additional deleted scenes from the burning-pot field scene.
A second one can also be found in the “Special Features” section. Select “MTV Interstitials” here and on the following screen highlight the menu entry “Sleeping Bag 2 Girls.” Now press the “Left” arrow key on your remote control and a marijuana leaf will appear. Press “Enter” now and you will be treated to a media interview of the boys after being rescued.
Now on the “Special Features” menu page, select the entry “Additional Scenes.” On the following page, highlight the menu entry “Jerry’s Office” and then press the “Right” arrow key. A skull and cross bones will appear on Tom’s chest and give you access to the clip of a late-night pot discussion between the boys and Dell in the cabin.
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