THX 1138
On Warner Home Video’s spectacular release of George Lucas’ “THX 1138” the studio has hidden some interesting bonus materials.
Insert the first DVD of the set and from the Main Menu go to the “Special Features” menu. There highlight the “Main Menu” button and then press the “Right” arrow key on your remote control. This will highlight a small Zoetrope icon and if you press “Enter” now you will get to see the DVD production credits.
Now insert the second disc of the DVD set and on the DVD’s Main Menu highlight the arrow in the bottom right corner. Press the “Enter” key and you will get to a credits page. Here press the “right” arrow key on your remote control and a face will appear on your screen. Now hit the “Enter” key and you will have the chance to see the original 2-page treatment of “Breakout, ” which was the basis for THX 1138.
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