Get ready for the first season of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer on DVD
For the longest time, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment had made it public that the studio planned to release the first season of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer on DVD, but the title never really seemed to have a tagged-on release date. This has just changed, as we received details about this forthcoming release.
Scheduled for release on January 9, one again, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment is presenting an entire season of a TV production in one box set. Releasing television series by season has become an internal standard at Fox.
The entire first 1997 season of “Buffy: The Vampire Slayer” is presented on this 3-disc release, including six episodes never before seen on video. Buffy is an ordinary sixteen year-old girl who learns she’s not so ordinary; she is the Slayer, a single exceptional girl who must do battle with vampires, demons, and other supernatural bad guys, while struggling with school and dating at the same time.
The release also features an audio commentary by creator Joss Whedon on the two-part pilot episode, and will also include interviews with Joss Whedon and star David Boreanaz. Trailers, Production Stills, Cast & Crew Biographies and some DVD-ROM extras will also be found on the release.
“Buffy: The Vampire Slayer” will be released on January 9 and carry a suggested retail price of $59.98.
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