Apex DVD player offers incredible features, including MP3 playback
We have received information that Circuit City has recently added an interesting new DVD player model to their offerings in their stores. The single addition of another DVD player would not be reason enough to give the fact any attention, but the fact that this player is capable of playing back CD-R discs with MP3 files, certainly is. The player in question is the Apex AD-600A, a player manufactured by Chinese company VDDV (Visual Disc and Digital Video Corporation) and sells for only $169. What makes the player even more interesting for many users is the fact that with a simple trick, the AD-600A’s menus allow users to change the player’s region code and to disable Macrovision’s copy protection scheme.
The player is currently only available at Circuit City stores, but Apex is indicating that the company is currently also negotiating deals with other outlets. Given the player’s many features, which also include component video outputs and DTS capabilities, there should be little resistance from retailers to add this player to their own catalogs.
As mentioned above, the player also plays back MP3 files from CD-R discs, a feature no other player in the market currently offers. While it can be expected that more MP3 capable DVD players will appear in the future, currently the AD-600A offers some incredible features for very little money.
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