Synapse Films schedules release of She Killed In Ecstasy on DVD
The beautiful Soledad Miranda is back in this erotically charged follow up to the Jess Franco DVD smash hit, “Vampyros Lesbos!” Containing most of the same cast and crew from Vampyros Lesbos, director Jess Franco brings us a loose remake of his own “The Diabolical Dr. Z”, She Killed in Ecstasy is considered by many to be one of Jess Franco’s finest films. The enchanting Soledad Miranda stars as a woman intent on avenging the death of her lover, a doctor who committed suicide after his experiments on human
embryos were condemned by the medical establishment. With an insatiable lust for vengeance, she sets out to kill those responsible for his suicide.three men and one woman.seducing, then murdering them one by one. More sex, violence and lesbianism, just what you’d expect from Jess Franco!
The DVD version of “She Killed In Ecstasy” that Synapse Films is currently working on will contain a new widescreen transfer of the film’s uncut version in German language with optional English subtitles. No supplements seem to be part of the release that will find its way to retail stores on June 6, carrying a suggested retail price of $29.98.
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