The not-so recent trend in Hollywood of remaking older movies and television shows for a new generation has spawned a new breed of movie watcher: The person who's seen the original. These specific people enjoyed another victory in 2003 when Paramount [...]
Hummers, Ferraris, Porsches, Mercedes, and a 1967 GT Ford Mustang. But does this thing have a plot? Randall 'Memphis' Raines is a luxury car thief. And he's successful. But this business is risky. Someday, something is going to go wrong. So [...]
With DVD dominating the market and finally putting the final nails in the coffin of VHS, it seems insane to introduce another format to consumers. With the release of the PSP, we are given the Universal Media Disc (UMD) format, which has grown in [...]
After crossing two names off of the list, there are plenty of obstacles to face before confronting Bill. "Kill Bill: Volume 2" picks up where its predecessor left off by filling in gaps with past conversations and startling revelations. We even [...]
On March 15, Sony unleashed the PSP (Portable Playstation) on the world. It was quite a splash. The PSP displays photos, plays songs, runs games, and gives you DVD movies in a new format that looks like 3D on an LCD screen (which it is). Paramount [...]
Here is a throwback to a movie I haven't seen in a while. I still remember seeing this movie in the theater a few weeks after it had come out. My wife (fiancée at the time) and I hit a mid afternoon matinee and there may have been 4 other [...]
We've all seen them. Whether it is lurking in the comedy section of the video store or on the shelf at Wal-Mart, the thumb parodies seem to be everywhere. This is one of those titles that will get your attention, but usually not your money. With [...]
TV comedian Jamie Foxx gained wide notice in 2004 as Tom Cruise's sidekick in the excellent "Collateral". Then he got the Academy Award for "Ray". Now it's time to dredge-up a lot of old Foxx material and cash in. Image [...]
Branching out is never easy, especially if you are a staple in pop culture like Trey Parker and Matt Stone. With the explosion of "South Park" in 1997, animation and comedy were changed forever. What began as a show many dismissed as crude [...]
I remember visiting Johnny 5 in the theater. "Short Circuit" had great family appeal with a lovable robot and goofy humor. I wandered if this would be one of those movies that didn't hold up well after 19 years. We have all revisited movies [...]