Facets Video presents Forbidden Relations
While American films tend to tiptoe around the controversial subjects, world cinema is less timid. Such is the case with the 1982 Hungarian film, Visszaesök, better known in English as Forbidden Relations, which won the Official Selection at both Cannes and the New York Film Festivals that year. Now for the 20th anniversary of the film, Facets Video is releasing the film to DVD.
In this astonishing film based on a true story, a brother and a sister fall in love and become lovers. But incest is just a beginning. Juli becomes pregnant and Gyorgy is sentenced to jail for their illegal relationship. But their love only intensifies as they stand together against the world.
Hungarian films of the early eighties are not known for their extensive supplements when it comes to DVD, but the new DVD will feature an interview with writer and director Zsolt Kézdi-Kovács and a still gallery.
Coming with a suggested retail price of $29.95, “Forbidden Relations” will arrive on DVD on October 8th, 2002.
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