Remains of the Day comes from Columbia TriStar
Columbia TriStar Home Entertainment has just announced plans to release the beautiful period film based on the Kazuo Ishiguro novel, Remains of the Day on DVD.
Anthony Hopkins stars as Stevens, the perfect English butler – an ideal carried by him to fanatical lengths as he serves his master Lord Darlington. Darlington, like many other members of the British establishment of the 1930s, is duped by the Nazis into trying to establish a rapport between themselves and the British government. Emma Thompson stars as the estate’s housekeeper, a high-spirited, strong-minded young woman who watches the goings-on upstairs with horror. Despite her apprehensions, she and Stevens gradually fall in love, through neither will admit it, and only give vent to their charged feelings over fierce arguments.
The new release of “Remains of the Day” boasts a new anamorphic transfer complemented by soundtracks in both Dolby Digital 5.1 and Dolby 2-Channel. The disc also contains quite a few special features including a director and producer commentary and an exclusive documentary featuring new interviews with Anthony Hopkins, Christopher Reeve and other cast and crew, costume & production designs and location footage. The DVD also contains deleted scenes, HBO’s making of featurette, a theatrical trailer and filmographies.
November 6th is the release date for “Remains of the Day”.
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