A quick tale of studio feedback from one of our readers

Yesterday we detailed how our intrepid editor, Guido, was invited by MGM Home Entertainment to offer his views as to what customers want in a DVD, based on feedback received here at DVDReview. We think it’s a commendable approach and feel the studio should be lauded for the attempt to embrace the medium and its customers. It’s now a fact that no other consumer electronics device in history has enjoyed such monumental growth in so short a time.

We recently received a related email from a reader and would like to pass it on to encourage you to take the time to be heard. David Lambert wrote to Trimark Home Video to find out about the status of a DVD edition of the Voltron animated series, and he received the following reply:

“We will probably have some sort of Voltron release next year. Our DVD department is attempting to determine what kind of interest there is, to better tailor the discs to the fans’ interests. I have passed your comments to our DVD supervisor. If you should have any other questions please let us know.”

If you wish to give feedback to Trimark Home Video on the release of Voltron, please send a brief email to them at feedback@trimarkpictures.com, outlining what features you would like to see on that particular release.

We are very pleased to hear that Trimark, too, is interested in customer feedback to create better rpoduct. And along those same lines, our thanks to our reader David Lambert for writing to us so that we could relate it here.

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