sputnik7.com offers RESFEST shorts on customized DVDs
sputnik7.com, imix.com, and the producers of the acclaimed RESFEST touring digital film festival, RES Media Group, have announced that consumers will be able to create a custom compilation of RESFEST short films on a DVD.
As of yesterday, at http://www.sputnik7.com/index-menu.jsp, 22 films are available for custom compilation. The CustomDVD film content includes RESFEST shorts currently streaming on sputnik7.com, plus premieres from the 4th annual RESFEST 2000 Film Festival.
An imix.com CustomDVD can be personalized with a choice of different cover art and a personalized title. The disc is then shipped within 24 hours of ordering. Consumers can mix and match up to 10 of 22 films on a CustomDVD for $29.95 plus S/H.
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