A Woman Scorned
Just as Vivid pay a lot of attention to their packaging, they also fill their discs with plenty of supplemental material to merchandise and advertise their other films and most importantly their luscious girls. This disc is no different, containing trailers, a gallery with video clips of the most famous Vivid girls, an interactive game that takes you to you additional video clips and another section with even more trailers and video clips. The whole thing is rounded up by an interactive menu, which allows you to go through the sections in an interactive 3D environment. This menu, while sometimes a little sluggish is well done and shows what DVD is capable of when utilized correctly. The fact that this disc contains multiple angles on a vast number of scenes goes almost without saying, as Vivid once again leads the pack in this area. Unlike many other adult publishers, who tend to simply mirror the image for different angles to create the illusion of a different view, Vivid really utilizes this feature to allow the viewer to switch between up to four different cameras, each with a different placement.
"A Woman Scorned" is a good adult release featuring a number of attractive girls in an attractive ambience. The film contains a pretty good musical soundtrack that has unfortunately been mixed a little to low, making the dialog track of the film a little too prominent for my taste. Compression on the disc is good, although you should not expect the kind of top notch quality compression as seen in many of today’s feature film releases. If you like classy adult entertainment, give this disc a try. It might suit you well.